While a Civics education is part of every academic year, it is especially important this year with our upcoming presidential election.
When children enter Middle School or Junior High, they are often able to participate in Student Council, which is hands-on learning about government, elections and civics. Your child doesn't need to run for School Council President or help with the campaign to be involved. The simple but powerful act of voting is engagement.
If your child is home schooling, your child can still participate in a Student Council. Many homeschool co-ops offer a homeschool student council. Don't belong to a co-op or your co-op doesn't have one? Start one!
A Body of Information
A Declaration
A Message From Nelson Mandela
Citizens Jeopardy
Democracy: Who, What, Where
If Elected
Pen Pals
Political History Interview
The Right Way
Types of Government
Literature Connection: Government-How Local, State and Federal Government Works
Culminating Activity: Democracy Taking A Stand
1965 Alabama Literacy Test
Apathy Cartoon Analysis
Our National Symbol
Part of the Franchise
Poll on Apathy
Polling Places
Registration Simulation
Suffrage Sequence Cards
The Long Journey
Vote Quotes
Voting Barriers
Who Has the Power
Literature Connection: A Time for Courage
Historical Debate: Women's Suffrage
Culminating Activity: Use it or Lose It