While a Civics education is part of every academic year, it is especially important this year with our upcoming presidential election.
In today’s world, informed voting and voter rights are incredibly important. To ensure that our young adults enter the voting world with confidence they need to be well-informed and well-educated.
Older kids and young adults can learn a lot about elections at a legislative session or a city council meeting. If you are near Lincoln, Nebraska tour the State Capitol building or attend a session (check to find out Covid-19 restrictions). Most city councils meetings are open to the public, whether in-person or online.
The youngest voters, aged 18-29, are the least likely to vote compared to the older voters. Education and schools can play a critical role in closing this gap.
One of the most effective ways to teach students about voting is to show juniors and seniors the forms and the process for registering to vote. If you have children of voting age in your class or at home, encourage them to register to vote and on Election Day, encourage them to vote!
- An Hour or Two
- Assisting People With Disabilities
- Ball Game (Koosh, Ball, Catch)
- Creative Expressions, D
- Debate the Issue
- Designing A Campaign Button
- Exit Polling, M
- Helping An Organization
- The Public Agenda, R
- Registering New Voters, W
- Teaching A Lesson, W
- Voicing Your Opinion, W, R
- My Turn: Targeting A Problem For Teens, W, R
Literature Connection Activity: Teen Power Politics, W, R
Culminating Activity: Service-Learning Action Plan
- Athenian Democracy, R
- Choosing A Capital City
- Democracy As Sport, W
- Democracy In American Jaywalking
- Democracy: What Is It Really?, R
- Experiencing America
- First Ladies In The USA
- Global Neighbors, W
- Register Your Opinion, R
- Save Your Rights
- The Race For The State
- Voter Survey
- Wanted Full Time President-No Experience Necessary
- What Is A Mid-Term Election?
Literature: Common Sense, Rights of Man, and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine, R
Culminating Activity: Act From The Heart, R
- 1965 Alabama Literacy Test
- Building Your Voter IQ
- Campaign Issue, W, R
- Election Judge Trainees
- In the Right, W, R
- Nelson Mandela Votes in Election of 1944, R
- Power of One
- Registration Simulation
- Stop That Teenager Before He Votes!, W, R
- Supreme Court Voting Right Case, W, R
- Voting and Local Government, M, W
- Voting Rights act of 1965, R
- Voting Simulation
- We the Women, R