Law Day is annual cooperative program of the Nebraska State Bar Foundation and the Nebraska Supreme Court conducted during the first week of May. Piloted in Lincoln Public Schools in 2002, the program went statewide in 2003. Since then, many communities and thousands of school children have participated in a series of events including 5th grade job shadowing as well as students witnessing traveling argument sessions by Judges and other guest speakers.
Originating in 1958 when President Dwight Eisenhower issued his first presidential proclamation on the subject, Law Day is recognized officially on May 1st. The United States continues Eisenhower's vision by continuing to set aside the first day of May to celebrate the foundation in which our country functions, and how law affects each and every citizen. Traditionally, the President offers a Special Proclamation concerning the theme of each year as well.
Groups of fifth graders spend an hour or more with trial court lawyers, judges, court clerks, court reporters and other professionals such as law enforcement officials. The students experience "a day in the life" of these professionals with various hands-on activities.

Law Day activities may include students visiting government offices or their local courthouse accompanied with chaperones. Legal professionals may carry out a mock trial demonstration or engage the students in an activity such as writing a simple contract or a will. If you would like your school to participate, please contact the Bar Foundation at 402-475-1042 or email Lori at lori [at]