Law Day, held annually on May 1st, is a national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law. Law Day underscores how law and the legal process contribute to the freedoms that all Americans share. Law Day also provides an opportunity to recognize the role of courts in democracy and the importance of jury service to maintaining the integrity of the courts.
In 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower established Law Day as a day of national dedication to the principles of government under law. In 1961, Congress, by joint resolution, designated May 1 as the official date for celebrating Law Day. Many observe “Law Week” by celebrating any time during the first week of May. Annually, the American Bar Association develops a Law Day theme is to provide an opportunity to spotlight a particular aspect of law or the legal process—often an anniversary or timely topic—and its impact on people’s lives.
How Does the Bar Foundation Celebrate Law Day?
The Nebraska State Bar Foundation and the Nebraska Supreme Court coordinate efforts to celebrate Law Day annually and to encourage educational activities to help students better understand the role of courts in our democracy. The Foundation and Court partners with local bar associations to celebrate Law Day in various communities statewide. Although May 1 is the official date for Law Day, celebrations may take place before or after that date. The Court and Bar Foundation also sponsors Law Day Job Shadowing for fifth graders in nine communities around the state.
Law Day - 2023
Judge Kale Burdick and Judge Mark Kozisek, of the 8th Judicial District, spoke to students at O'Neill High School's auditorium on April 27 as part of the Law Day 2023 celebration. The Nebraska Supreme Court held two argument sessions on stage at the high school. This marked the first time the Nebraska Supreme Court held arguments at O'Neill. Attorneys from across the state represented Nebraska, including several from Lincoln, Seward, Kearney, and Grand Island were involved in the presented cases.