
The Nebraska State Bar Foundation relies on the generous financial support of donors to help achieve its goals and fulfill its mission. Donations from Nebraska lawyers and others play a vital role in sustaining the foundation's various programs and initiatives. Here's an overview of the ways donors can contribute and support the foundation:

Levels of Giving: The foundation offers various levels of giving to accommodate donors with different financial capabilities. These levels ensure that all donors have opportunities to support the foundation financially. The support from donors is instrumental in helping the foundation meet its objectives.

Programs and Activities: The Bar Foundation's Fellows Program and Memorial Program provide opportunities for Nebraska lawyers to assist the foundation in underwriting a range of educational programs and activities. These programs aim to educate both the legal profession and the general public.

Dues: Attorneys also have the option to support the foundation's mission through Contributing or Sustaining Dues. These dues contribute to the financial resources of the foundation and help it carry out its educational programs.

Roman L. Hruska Law Center: The foundation generates rental income from the Roman L. Hruska Law Center, which, in turn, supports Law-Related Education programs administered by the foundation. This income serves as an additional source of funding for the foundation's educational initiatives.

Tax Deductions: Donors may be eligible for a tax deduction, as allowed by law, for their contributions to the Nebraska State Bar Foundation. The foundation is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization, making many donations tax-deductible.

Categories of Gifts: Donors can choose from different categories of gifts, including Contributing Donor Dues (with a $50 minimum), Sustaining Donor Dues (with a $100 minimum), Lifetime Fellows Enhanced Dues (with a $200 minimum), and Non-Monetary Gifts (such as stocks or property, with no minimum requirement).

Donations to the Nebraska State Bar Foundation play a crucial role in supporting the administration of justice in Nebraska. By contributing to the Foundation, donors help uphold their ethical obligation as lawyers and ensure that valuable educational programs and initiatives continue to benefit both the legal profession and the public.

Please consider a donation to the Nebraska State Bar Foundation. Together we can support the administration of justice in Nebraska. 

Donate Now!

Please note we accept Visa and Mastercard through PayPal.