Lifetime Fellows

Lifetime fellows of the NSBF

Lifetime Fellow status is achieved after a Fellow has completed an initial pledge to the Nebraska State Bar Foundation. A Lifetime Fellow has the opportunity to make a Voluntary Enhanced Gift (a minimum of $100) to help underwrite Civcs Education programs administered by the Foundation.

Voluntary Enhanced Dues are given after a Fellow completes his or her initial pledge. Many Lifetime Fellows reach Distinguished Fellow status.

Milton R. Abrahams*
Steven E. Achelpohl*
Jill Robb Ackerman
Thomas F. Ackley
Duane W. Acklie*
Stephen L. Ahl
Vickie B. Ahlers
Mr. Jerrad R. Ahrens
Virginia A. Albers
Tamas R. Allan
Cathleen H. Allen
The Honorable  G. Roderic Anderson
Hal W. Anderson
Richard L. Anderson
Ben L. Anderson*
Ralph M. Anderson, Jr.
Joseph E. Andres
Wallace W. Angle*
Warren R. Arganbright
Kurt D. Arganbright
Ann F. Ashford
Brad Ashford*
Hon. W. Mark Ashford*
Adam E. Astley
Wilbur S. Aten*
The Honorable Edna R. Atkins
John B. Atkins
Arend R. Baack
Joseph H. Badami*
Margaret A. Badura
Damon "Dan" Bahensky
Rollin R. Bailey*
Karen K. Bailey
Samuel P. Baird*
Kelley Baker
Christina L. Ball
Charles W. Balsiger
The Honorable David J. A. Bargen
Joseph J. Barmettler*
Frank J. Barrett*
Patrick J. Barrett
Andre R. Barry
Robert F. Bartle
Charles W. Baskins*
The Honorable Joseph F. Bataillon
The Honorable John J. Battershell
Hon. Linda A. Bauer
James M. Bausch
Trenten P. Bausch
John R. Baylor*
The Honorable Susan M. Bazis
The Honorable C. Arlen Beam
Thomas L. Beam
Julie E. Bear
Jennifer Bear Eagle
Hon. Graten D. Beavers
Phyllis M. Beck*
Ms. Megan M. Belcher
Benjamin M. Belmont
James Beltzer*
Kelvin C. Berens
Woodrow Berge*
Penny J. L. Berger
John H. Bergmeyer
Richard L. Berkheimer*
Robert H. Berkshire*
Richard N. Berkshire
Claude E. Berreckman, Jr.
Claude E. Berreckman, Sr.*
Jack W. Besse
Larry W. Beucke
William L. Biggs, Jr.
John H. Binning*
The Honorable Richard A. Birch
The Honorable Riko E. Bishop
Mr. David A. Blagg
Mr. Clete W. Blakeman
George T. Blazek
Kirk S. Blecha
Ivan A. Blevens*
Jeffrey J. Blumel
Christian R. Blunk
Ms. Ashley D. Boettcher
A. Stevenson Bogue
Amy S. Bones
Scot M. Bonnesen
Elizabeth Stuht Borchers
Patrick J. Borchers
John J. Borghoff
Robert J. Bothe
Wayne E. Boyd*
John K. Boyer
Patrick J. Boylan
D.C. (Woody) Bradford III
Ralph A. Bradley
Patricia Frederick Bramhall
William B. Brandt*
Kermit A. Brashear II
Trudy Saunders Bredthauer
Anne M. Breitkreutz
William J. Brennan, Jr.*
Charles D. Brewster
The Honorable Alan L. Brodbeck
The Honorable Donald Brodkey*
Gertrude R. Brodkey*
Bruce H. Brodkey
Michael T. Brogan
Thomas E. Brogan*
Timothy E. Brogan
Curtis A. Bromm
Patrick E. Brookhouser, Jr.
Loel P. Brooks
Kevin A. Brostrom
The Honorable John M. Brower*
Sam R. Brower
James R. Brown
James W.R. Brown*
Vincent D. Brown*
John R. Brownell*
John C. Brownrigg
Stephen M. Bruckner
Jon C. Bruning
The Honorable Mark A. Buchholz*
Bevin B. Bump*
Max J. Burbach
G. Peter Burger*
Thomas R. Burke*
Angela L. Burmeister
Donald F. Burt
Stephen Burt
The Honorable Denzel R. Busick
Larry E. Butler*
Joseph C. Byam
Clayton Byam*
James A. Cada
Judy A. Cada
The Honorable William G Cambridge*
The Honorable Laurie Smith Camp*
Mary M. Campbell
William G. Campbell*
Joan M. Cannon
Patricia Cantu
D. Nick Caporale
Joel E. Carlson
Pamela Hastings Carrier
Joseph P. Cashen*
Hon. William B. Cassel
Frederick S. Cassman*
Kristine R. Cecava
Daniel P. Chesire
Mark A. Christensen
Roberta L. Christensen
Timothy F. Clare
Truman Clare*
Hon. Carlton E. Clark
Hon. Cloyd L. Clark*
Gary N. Clatterbuck
The Honorable John A. Colborn
Kevin Colleran*
Dennis W. Collins
Ronald L. Comes
Rodney M. Confer
Marty Connealy
Charlotte Jean Conner
Brandon S. Connick
Sean M. Conway
Kathleen Ann Cook
Patrick S.Cooper
Thom K. Cope
David E. Copple
Hon. Alfred E. Corey III
Michael C. Cox
James Lee Cox, Jr.
Michael F. Coyle
Robert B. Creager
Richard E. Croker
Gov. Robert B. Crosby*
A. Eugene Crump
Linda R. Crump
Timothy J. Cuddigan
Douglas L. Curry
Bruce A. Cutshall
Thomas H. Dahlk
Warren K Dalton*
Joseph S. Daly
Mark J. Daly
Neil B. Danberg, Jr.
The Honorable Vernon C.R. Daniels
Hal Daub, Jr.
Hon. Rachel Daugherty
Steven D. Davidson
Thomas M. Davies*
Donn E Davis
W. Scott Davis
William F. Davis
Michael S. Degan
M. Douglas Deitchler
John W. Delehant*
Thomas H. DeLay
James J. DeMars
Debora S. Denny
Ronald S. Depue
Richard A. DeWitt
Marc M Diehl
Mr. Joshua C. Dickinson
William G. Dittrick
Joyce A. Dixon
H. Dale Dixon III
Hon. Leo P. Dobrovolny
Katherine J. Doering
David A. Domina
Patrick B. Donahue
Howard B. Dooley*
Stuart J. Dornan
The Honorable Sandra L. Dougherty
Terry C. Dougherty
John R. Douglas
David B. Downing*
Jefferson Downing
Hon. Mary L. Doyle
James A. Doyle*
The Honorable James E. Doyle IV
Douglas F. Duchek
Daniel J. Duffy*
Michael J. Dugan*
Lawrence Dunmire*
Donald L. Dunn
Michael R. Dunn
William J. Dunn*
The Honorable Jan E. Dutton
David M. Dvorak
Robert V. Dwyer, Jr.
P. Scott Dye
James M. Egr
Lance D. Ehmcke
Jan L. Einspahr
Eric B. Eisenhart
Alfred G. Ellick*
Mary M. Elliston
Kenneth Elson*
Mr. Thomas A. Emerton
Kent E. Endacott
Richard R. Endacott
Tim R. Engler
Albert M. Engles
Hon. Robert B. Ensz
Cynthia E. Epstein
Irving B. Epstein*
Donald L. Erftmier, Jr.
Donald H. Erickson*
David D. Ernst
Renee A. Eveland
Alan L. Everett
Robert B. Evnen
Marsha E. Fangmeyer
Allen R. Fankhauser
Jeffrey B. Farnham
Kristin Ann Fearnow
Terrence J. Ferguson
Gordon B. Fillman
Christina M. Fink
Thomas B. Fischer
Robert C. Fisk*
Herbert M. Fitle*
Thomas J. Fitchett
James P. Fitzgerald
Mark D. Fitzgerald
Mr. Jeremy T. Fitzpatrick
Steven J. Flodman
Michael J. Flood
The Honorable Karen B. Flowers
Dennis J. Fogland
Richard G. Folda*
William T. Foley
Elizabeth J. Foster
Kelli Anne Francis
Theodore J. Frazier*
Ronald E. Frank
Frederick D. Franklin
Nancy S. Freburg
Keith I. Frederick*
Herbert J. Friedman
Gerald L. Friedrichsen
James J. Frost
Justice John R. Freudenberg
John Fullenkamp
Daniel A. Fullner
The Honorable Jeffrey J. Funke
The Honorable Richard P. Garden*
Richard P. Garden, Jr.
Allan J. Garfinkle
Barbara J. Gaskins*
C.J. Gatz*
Thomas J. Gaughen
Stephen S. Gealy
The Honorable Lawrence D. Gendler
The Honorable John M. Gerrard
Jill V. Gettman
Brad Gianakos*
Mr. Michael T. Gibbons
Korby M. Gilbertson
The Honorable Mary C. Gilbride
Daniel Gilg
Deborah R. Gilg*
The Honorable James T. Gleason
Lucinda Cordes Glen
The Honorable Alan G. Gless
Robert M. Gonderinger
Michael D. Gooch
Stanley C. Goodwin*
James E. Gordon*
Charles F. Gotch
James D. Gotschall
Gary M. Gotsdiner
Elizabeth A. Govaerts
Pamela Hogenson Govier
Shurie R. Graeve
Jason W. Grams
Clark J. Grant
Joseph W. Grant
William H. Grant*
Steven Grasz
J. Taylor Greer*
Terry J. Grennan
Tom A. Grennan
Robert T. Grimit
Daniel J. Gross*
Jerry J. Grossart
Steven E. Guenzel
Thomas J. Guilfoyle
Patrick R. Guinan
John M. Guthery
Karen A. Haase
Robin W. Hadfield
Howard F. Hahn
Richard L. Halbert
Aimee J. Haley*
Katherine Rounsborg Hall
Deryl F. Hamann
Lee H. Hamann
Matthew D. Hammes
The Honorable Edward E. Hannon*
The Honorable Stephanie R. Hansen
Ms. Tanya J. Hansen
John F. Hanson
Randall C. Hanson
The Honorable Terri S. Harder
William A. Harding
William F. Hargens
The Honorable Thomas K. Harmon
Brian L. Harr 
Lawrence F. Harr
Sheldon J. Harris*
Daniel Harris, Jr.
Charles W. Hastings
The Honorable William C. Hastings*
James L. Haszard
Gordon Hauptman*
Richard J. Hautzinger
James W. Hawekotte*
Camille R. Hawk
Chief Justice Michael G. Heavican
David L. Hefflinger
John P. Heil
H.C. Henderson*
Jack H. Hendrix*
The Honorable Marcena M. Hendrix
The Honorable John V. Hendry
Wayne B. Henry*
John W. Herdzina
Margaret C. Hershiser
Thomas P. Herzog
David L. Herzog*
Joel D. Heusinger
James W. Hewitt
John C. Hewitt
Mary J. Hewitt
Mary L. Hewitt
Edwin H. Hiber*
John R. Higgins, Jr.
Denise A. Hill
Robert M. Hillis
Eugene L. Hillman
The Honorable John R. Hoffert
Judy K. Hoffman*
Mr. Bradley D. Holbrook
John R. Holdenried
Kenneth Holm*
Hans J. Holtoft*
Bradley D. Holtorf
Thomas T. Holyoke
Heidi Hornung-Scherr
Barbara L. Hosford
Donald C. Hosford
Edward D. Hotz
David S. Houghton
Richard J. Hove
Joseph L. Howard
Richard T. Howe
Senator Roman L. Hruska*
The Honorable Walter G. Huber*
Robert J. Huck
Michael K. Huffer
Charles D. Humble
Mark A. Hunzeker
Michael M. Hupp
Stephanie R. Hupp
John C. Hurd*
The Honorable Todd J. Hutton
Lynn D. Hutton, Jr.*
The Honorable John P. Icenogle*
Patrick J. Ickes
The Honorable Everett O. Inbody II
John P. Inserra
The Honorable John F. Irwin
Elmer J. Jackson*
James S. Jansen
Don R. Janssen
David A. Jarecke
Jeffrey C. Jarecki
The Honorable Kathleen A Jaudzemis
Rick P. Jeffries
John Jelkin
Julianna S. Jenkins
Ronald C. Jensen
Chris D. Jerram
Paul C. Jessen*
Daniel Jewell*
Mary E. Jewell
Michael O. Johanns
Claire D. Johnson
The Honorable Douglas F. Johnson
Kile W. Johnson
Michael L. Johnson
Thomas E. Johnson
The Honorable Vicky L. Johnson
Virgil K. Johnson
Warren C. Johnson*
William R. Johnson
Cecil Johnson*
Robert Johnson Jr.*
Dallas D. Jones Sr.
Joseph E. Jones
Michael D. Jones
Julie Jorgensen
Bradley T. Kalkwarf
Larry J. Karel
James F. Kasher
Ben E. Kaslow*
Howard J. Kaslow
Peter W. Katt
Fredric H. Kaufmann*
Stephen W. Kay
Harold Kay*
Con M. Keating
Dennis R. Keefe
Thomas E. Keefe
The Honorable Marcela A. Keim
Robert S. Keith II
The Honorable Christopher E. Kelly
Philip M. Kelly
Theodore L. Kessner
Dan H. Ketcham
Marvin O. Kieckhafer
Dennis D. King
Daniel B. Kinnamon
Michael F. Kinney
Robert D. Kinsey Jr.
Vincent J. Kirby*
Michael F. Kiwett 
Daniel E. Klaus
Donald W. Kleine
James M. Knapp*
Leo A. Knowles
Richard A. Knudsen*
Julie A. Knutson
Karilyn E. Kober
Susan Ann Koenig*
Kathleen Koenig Rockey
James L. Koley*
The Honorable Richard G. Kopf
The Honorable Paul W. Korslund
John F. Kotouc
Thomas Kotouc
Otto Kotouc, Jr.*
Leland K. Kovarik Jr.*
Andrew B. Koszewski
The Honorable Mark D. Kozisek
Michael D. Kozlik*
Dean G. Kratz*
Paul D. Kratz
Ronald F. Krause
George H. Krauss
Douglas W. Krenzer*
Sharon R. Kresha
Chancellor Douglas A. Kristensen
The Honorable Norman M. Krivosaha*
The Honorable. Brian S. Kruse
The Honorable James G. Kube
Jennie A. Kuehner
William D. Kuester
Reginald S. Kuhn
William R. Kutilek

Gary E. Lacey*
Jennifer Stehlik Ladman
The Honorable Patricia A. Lamberty
William M. Lamson, Jr.
James Lane*
Catherine D. Lang
Jane F. Langan Mach
Robert S. Lannin
Lyman L. Larsen
Matthew A. Lathrop
Steven M. Lathrop
Mark C. Laughlin
Mark L. Laughlin
Hon. Donald P. Lay
Joseph L. Leahy, Jr.*
Lewis R. Leigh*
Vance Leininger*
John P. Lenich
Robert L. Lepp
Yvonne Norton Leung
T. Geoffrey Lieben
Loren L. Lindahl
Michael J. Linder
William J. Lindsay, Jr.
Daniel L. Lindstrom
Lisa M. Line
John M. Lingelbach
Louis Lipp*
Kent O. Littlejohn
Thomas M. Locher*
The Honorable Sheryl L. Lohaus
Marlon M. Lofgren
Kyle J. Long
Amy L. Longo
Andrew M. Loudon
Timothy D. Loudon
The Honorable Jean A. Lovell
David A. Ludtke
Marietta E. Luellen
Jeanelle R. Lust
Christine A. Lustgarten
The Honorable Teresa K. Luther
Sandra L. Maass Thelen
J. Terry Macnamara
Thomas J. Malicki
Jack Marer*
Wayne J. Mark
The Honorable Christina M. Marroquin
Cheryl C. Marsh
The Honorable John H. Marsh
Mary Donovan Martello
The Honorable Julie A. Martin
Daniel A. Martin*
The Honorable Philip M. Martin, Jr.
The Honorable Stefanie Martinez
The Honorable Curtis L. Maschman
Mr. Matthew D. Maser
John C. Mason
Michael D. Matejka
The Honorable Edward Matney
Steven F. Mattoon
Michael J. Matukewicz
Gerald E. Matzke
Thomas M. Maul
Anita L. Mayo
Michael J. McCarthy
Hale McCown*
Thomas J. McCusker
John B. McDermott
Edmund McEachen*
M. Shaun McGaughey
Jodie L. Haferbier McGill
The Honorable Bernand J. McGinn*
C. Dean McGrath, Jr.
John M. McHenry*
Deborah D. McLarney
Joseph W. McNamara, Jr.*
John R. McPhail
James M. McQuillan
Michael J. McQuillan
Todd R. McWha
Janet L. Melchior-Kopp
Aimee S. Melton
Wm. Lee Merritt
Douglas E. Merz
Joseph K. Meusey*
Laurie B. Meyers
Frank J. Mihulka
Douglas R. Milbourn*
Roger J. Miller
Keith Miller*
The Honorable Lindsey Miller-Lerman
Cynthia Hardin Milligan
M.A. Mills Jr.*
Angela M. Minahan
Gregory B. Minter
John C. Mitchell*
Dean Richard E. Moberly
Howard Moldenhauer*
Timothy L. Moll
Daniel J. Monen Jr.
Robert R. Moodie
Michael J. Mooney*
Robert A. Mooney
W. E. Mooney, Jr.*
Ms. Bonnie N. Moore
The Honorable Frankie J. Moore
Thomas Moore*
The Honorable Daniel A. Morris
Gov. Frank B Morrison*
Edward A. Morse
Harold Mosher*
Ronald D. Mousel*
George H. Moyer Jr.
Michael C. Moyer
William J. Mueller
William P. Mueller*
The Honorable Wesley C. Mues*
James A. Mullen
Rochelle A. Mullen
Michael G. Mullin
Robert W. Mullin
Robert Mullin, Sr.*
Robert D. Mullin, Jr.
Kristina B. Murphree
Joe H. Murray
Robert J. Murray
John E. Musselman
Denise D. Myers
Richard D. Myers
Gary J. Nedved
H. David Neely, II
Robert L. Nefsky*
The Honorable Jodi L. Nelson
John E. Nelson
Joel D. Nelson
Richard P. Nelson
William C. Nelson
Nicholas K. Niemann
James R. Nisley
John North*
The Honorable Ben Novicoff*
Mark E. Novotny
The Honorable Wilfred W. Neurnberger*
Melany S. O'Brien
Timothy J. O'Brien
James E. O'Connor*
Robert E. O'Connor, Jr.
Patrick J. O'Donnell
R. Kevin O'Donnell
The Honorable Michael Offner*
Robert M. O'Gara
Terrence D. O'Hare*
Gigi O'Hara
W. Gerald O'Kief*
Gregory O'Kief 
The Honorable Robert B. O'Neal
Kari O'Neill Potts
William T. Oakes
Pamela Epp Olsen
Howard P. Olsen, Jr.
Kathryn A. Olson
Stephen G. Olson
Stephen G. Olson II
William E. Olson, Jr.
Jerald L. Ostdiek
The Honorable Thomas A. Otepka
Robert Otte*
Allen L. Overcash*
James A. Overcash
Bert Overcash*
The Honorable Michael J. Owens
Robert G. Pahlke
The Honorable Anne M. Paine
Ronald J. Palagi
Michael C. Pallesen
Charles M. Pallesen, Jr.*
The Honorable Kimberly Miller Pankonin
Patty Pansing Brooks
Daniel C. Pape
David R. Parker
Robert J. Parker, Jr.
Ronald K. Parsonage*
John P. Passarelli
Amy L. Patras
Douglas G. Pauley
Donald J. Pavelka, Jr.
Michelle A. Paxton
Amy L. Peck
The Honorable Richard Peck*
The Honorable Clement Pederson*
David M. Pedersen
Joel D. Pedersen
Richard J. Pedersen
Donald W. Pederson*
Edith T. Peebles
Forrest F. Peetz
Jeffery T. Peetz
Erin C. Duggan Pemberton
Joanne M. Pepperl
Harvey S. Perlman
Edwin Perry*
Paul J. Peter
Alan E. Peterson
Douglas J. Peterson
Patricia Schuett Peterson
Richard A. Peterson
Trev E. Peterson
Bradley A. Philson
Glenda J. Pierce
The Honorable David L. Piester
Jeffrey J. Pirruccello
The Honorable Michael W. Pirtle
James R. Place
Daniel M. Placzek
Edward F. Pohren
Julie L. Pokorny
Mr. Andy S. Pollock
The Honorable Linda S. Porter
Susan Poser
Lloyd L. Posphihil*
Kari O'Neill Potts
Josephine R. Potuto
James G. Powers
Paul F. Prentiss
David H. Ptak
Richard E. Putnam
Bill B. Quigley
James L. Quinlan
Gary W. Radil
Lawrence Raful
The Honorable Kurt T. Rager
William Ramsey*
The Honorable Gary B. Randall
Sally A. Rasmussen
Wayne S. Rasmussen
Mara L. Rasure
Kent E. Rauert 
Albert T. Reddish*
Shayla M. Reed
The Honorable Randall L. Rehmeier
Jon S. Reid
Richard C. Reier
William R. Reinsch
James E. Rembolt
Jan E. Rempe
The Honorable Leigh Ann Retelsdorf
Rex A. Rezac
Richard L. Rice
Todd A. Richardson
Wallace A. Richardson*
Chad P. Richter
The Honorable Francie C. Riedmann
Dennis R. Riekenberg
James E. Riha
The Honorable William J. Riley*
Kim M. Robak
Nancy A. Roberts
The Honorable Richard E. Robinson*
Patrick C. Rock
Harold L. Rock*
The Honorable Patrick G. Rogers
Bruce Rohde
Larry J.G. Roland
Susan K. Rosburg
William J. Ross
The Honorable Robert F. Rossiter, Jr.
The Honorable Gerald E. Rouse*
Robert J. Routh
The Honorable Donald E. Rowlands II
Ronald A. Ruff
Larry L. Ruth
Susan Kubert Sapp
William A. Sawtell, Jr.*
Greg Scaglione
Michael F. Scahill
Barbara Wittmann Schaefer
James E. Schaefer
Carlos E. Schaper*
The Honorable Tami K. Schendt
Michael L. Schleich
Marvin G. Schmid*
Kevin J. Schneider
Steven A. Scholer
Charles A. Schorr*
The Honorable Rick A. Schreiner
Jill Gradwohl Schroeder
Kent A. Schroeder
Christine Schwartzkopf Schroff
Paul M. Schudel
Bradley K. Schweer
Judith A. Schweikart
Robert G. Scoville*
Earl H. Scudder
Gregory W. Searson 
Richard T. Seckman
Charles V. Sederstrom, Jr.
Samuel F. Seever*
Steven G. Seglin*
Les Seiler
The Honorable Linda Caster Senff
John O. Sennett
James Shamberg*
Nancy R. Shannon
Glenn A. Shapiro
Jeffrey D. Sharp
The Honorable Emily Cameron Shattil
Lawrence K. Sheehan
Amy Sherman-Geren*
Julie Shipman-Burns
Rodney Shkolnick*
Thomas J. Shomaker
R. J. Shortridge
Britany S. Shotkoski
Paul M. Shotkoski
Professor Richard E. Shugrue
Karen M. Shuler
Jack L. Shultz
E. Terry Sibbernsen
Frank C. Sidles
Richard D. Sievers
Robert R. Siffring
R.G. Simmons, Jr.*
Mr. Adam J. Sipple
Robert A. Skochdopole*
V.J. Skutt*
Alan D. Slattery
Bryan E. Slone
Robert M. Slovek
John S. Slowiaczek
Jerry M. Slusky
Bruce I. Smith
Danelle J. Smith
David B. Smith
Dwight E. Smith
H. Daniel Smith
The Honorable Julie D. Smith
The Honorable Michael A. Smith
Richard W. Smith
Shaylene M. Smith
Steven C. Smith
Tijiuana R. Smith-Secret
James A. Snowden
Paul W. Snyder
John R. Sodoro*
Emil F. Sodoro*
Thomas M. Sonntag
Susan J. Spahn
Richard A. Spellman
The Honorable Harry Spencer*
Robert M. Spire*
The Honorable Bernard Sprague*
J. L. Spray
The Honorable Stephanie F. Stacy
Douglas R. State*
The Honorable Edward D. Steenburg
 Anna L. Stehlik
Galen E. Stehlik
L. Joe Stehlik
The Honorable John F. Steinheider
The Honorable Robert R. Steinke
Neal E. Stenberg
The Honorable Kenneth C. Stephan
Arnold J. Stern*
The Honorable Mary M. Z. Stevens
 R.J. (Randy) Stevenson
John Stewart*
David R. Stickman
Darrell K. Stock
The Honorable Ross A. Stoffer
Alan G. Stoler
Robert D. Stowell
Jerrold L. Strasheim*
The Honorable Shelly R. Stratman
Mandy L. Strigenz
Thomas P. Strigenz
Susan Fieber Strohn
The Honorable Lyle E. Strom*
The Honorable Susan I. Strong
Boyd W. Strope
Susan L. Stryker
The Honorable Hugh Stuart*
Tim Stuart*
Michael L. Sullivan
Ronald G. Sutter
Ray L. Svehla*
John A. Svoboda
Nancy A. Svoboda
George Svoboda*
Donald L. Swanson
Fred J. Swihart*
The Honorable Donna Farrell Taylor
Nick R. Taylor
Gale D. Tessendorf
Patrick D. Timmer
Gayla L. Thal
The Honorable Thomas D. Thalken
Nicole B. Theophilus
Linda Frederick Thompson
Tim W. Thompson
Governor Charles Thone*
Dale C. Tinstman*
Chris J. Tjaden
Kurt F. Tjaden
Jeffrey D. Toberer*
Howard E. Tracy
Cathy S. Trent-Vilim
Edward H. Tricker
William A. Tringe, Jr.
The Honorable Joseph S. Troia
Scott H. Trusdale
The Honorable Kent D. Turnbull
Jennifer L. Turco Meyer
Danene J. Tushar
Michael J. Tye
Thomas W. Tye II
Thomas W. Tye, Sr.
Janine F. Ucchino
Susan M. Ugai
The Honorable David W. Urbom
The Honorable Kenneth J. Vampola
Amy L. Van Horne
Robert Van Pelt*
Ivan Van Steenberg*
Kathleen C. Vance
Mary E. Vandenack
Robert R. Veach, Jr.
Todd B. Vetter
Joseph J. Vinardi*
Patrick G. Vipond
Steven R. Voigt
Bruce D. Vosburg*
Mr. Richard D. Vroman
Rick G. Wade
Betty M. Wadewitz
Terry O. Waite
James P. Waldron
Charles R. Walker
Dean W. Wallace*
The Honorable C.G. Wallace III*
Thomas J. Walsh Sr*
Edward G. Warin*
Gene D. Watson*
George D. Watson*
Archibald Weaver*
Jeanne A. Weaver
Mark A. Weber
Rocky C. Weber
James D. Wegner
Richard L. Weill
The Honorable Derek C. Weimer
Brien M. Welch
Eugene P. Welch*
Harry Welch*
Larry E. Welch, Sr.
Otto Wellensiek*
Roger W. Wells
James R. Welsh
The Honorable Robert A. Wenke*
Gail Werner-Robertson
Kelly J. Werts
The Honorable Paul G. Wess
The Honorable Arthur S. Wetzel
The Honorable Horacio J. Wheelock
Daniel E. Wherry
Bradley J. White
Warren R. Whitted Jr.
William R. Wickersham
Abbie J. Widger
William A. Wieland
The Honorable Jeffrey M. Wightman
John M. Wightman*
Linda L. Willard
Steven L. Willborn
H. Laurens Williams III*
Matthew H. Williams
Neil E. Williams
Shirley K. Williams
Susan C. Williams
The Honorable Richard H. Williams*
John J. Wilson*
Steve Windrum
Anne E. Winner
Donald R. Witt
John A. Wolf
Jack G. Wolfe
Alan M. Wood
David M. Woodke
Thomas A. Woodward
R. Thomas Workman
Charles E. Wright*
William F. Wright*
Flavel A. Wright*
T. Randall Wright
The Honorable Laurie J. Yardley
Lawrence H. Yost
Charles Yost*
Malcolm D. Young*
 Duncan A. Young
The Honorable Mark J. Young
Stephen K. Yungblut
The Honorable William B. Zastera
John S. Zeilinger
Patricia A. Zieg
John H. Ziegenbein
Lyn Wallin Ziegenbein
James L. Zimmerman
Walter E. Zink II
The Honorable Cheryl R. Zwart